

The club captains are expected to:

  • Assist Committee Members before, during and after club Competition Days;
  • Act as a role model and provide guidance to younger athletes around event preparation, warm-up, injury management and balancing the complex competition schedule;
  • Work with and support the Committee and Age Managers as required;
  • Demonstrate great sportsmanship on and off the track;
  • Provide feedback on issues and improvements and assist with implementing solutions;
  • Regularly participate in club training and demonstrate respect for our coaching team;
  • Represent the club at Zone championships and encourage centre athletes;
  • Representing the club at senior athletics events is desirable, e.g. in the Treloar Shield rounds;
  • Assist at the end of season Presentation Day and other functions as applicable.

Selection Policy:

Captain nominations open in March each season, and Captains are announced at the end of season party.

To ensure a fair, objective, and open process the following Selection Policy will apply:

Selection Committee: The Selection Committee will consist of three (3) members being:

  1. Centre President or Vice President
  2. Nominated Centre Coach
  3. Another person nominated by the HDLAC Executive Committee.  This person does not necessarily need to be a current Committee Member but is chosen based on their knowledge and experience.

Conflict of Interest: No Family Members of possible nominated athletes may be on the Selection Committee.

Selection Policy: The Selection Committee will submit two proposed Male and Female Captains to the Centre Executive Committee for approval, from the Under 17* group of Registered Athletes based on the below criteria:

  1. Nomination was submitted within the required deadline and to a suitable standard
  2. Athlete is a Positive Role Model and sets a good example to all Centre Members
  3. Athlete shows great Sportsmanship and Endeavour and demonstrates good behaviour on and off the Track
  4. Athlete has shown commitment by attending regular club meets during previous season and weekly training. Involvement in other aspects of the club would also be desirable (e.g. coaching, help during rego day, supporting Saturday morning operations etc)
  5. Athlete responses to nomination questions are well considered and demonstrate maturity

*Athletes in the older age category may be given priority where there is no clear separation in applications. It is preferred captains only complete 1 year as a centre captain.

The Selection Committee can exclude any Athlete from the selection process based on poor sportsmanship, attitude, and behaviour issues. The Centre Executive Committee will vote to approve the proposed candidates, or at their discretion, nominate additional athletes if they believe that these athletes were excluded under extenuating circumstances. The Centre Executive Committee can remove any athlete from the role of Centre Captain during the season based on poor sportsmanship, attitude and behaviour issues.